Your Creative Survival Mode Is

The Selective Artist

Your results are below and you’ll also be receiving an email with a PDF of your results. The email is filled with information to help you understand your survival mode and some great tips that you can act on right now to help you start creatively thriving.

Understand Your Survival Mode

Surviving Mode:
Selective Artist

The Selective Artist feels stuck churning out the same type of work endlessly. They become known for one narrow style and feel immense pressure to stay within those confines. This leads to burnout, disillusionment, and a lack of creative freedom. The Selective Artist may stay in toxic work environments rather than branching out. They struggle with judgment, feeling depleted, and a sense of being worthless outside their speciality. Their tunnel vision leads to stagnation.

Thriving Mode:
Specialist Artist

In contrast, the Specialist Artist hones their skills while staying open to experimentation. They feel joy and inspiration in refining their craft. The Specialist Artist embraces their specialty without being limited by it. They feel free to evolve, learn new modalities, and follow curiosity. The Specialist Artist has an open mind, avoids stagnation, and leaves situations that no longer serve their growth. Their devotion comes from intrinsic passion, not extrinsic pressure. They experience creative flow, career opportunities, and deep life satisfaction.

Activate Your Thriving Mode

Let's Change The Narrative From Selective To Specialist Artist


Identify and reframe any limiting beliefs about what you "should" create.


Use the affirmation/mantra 'I am open to experimentation and new ideas.'


Spend time in new environments to spark fresh ideas. Make a list of "someday" projects outside your specialty - and do one!


Connect with communities of artists different from you to expand perspective.

Ready to Kick Survival To The Curb For Good And Creatively Thrive?